Ron is a dedicated outdoorsman who takes his inspiration from the drama revealing itself through color, shapes, light and shadows in nature. Ron rekindled his passion for artistic expression at weekly painting and drawing sessions in Abu Dhabi. He has participated in workshops with David Langevin, Mike Svob and Dominik Modlinski and is currently the President of the local chapter of the FCA-SOS. Born in Princeton but moved to Alberta at an early age and moved back to make a home in the Okanagan in 1992. He has travelled widely over Canada, the United States, Europe, the Middle East and South Africa. While landscapes have been his subject of choice, Ron has recently taken to painting on upcycled metal he finds while on hiking in the Okanagan. Rustic frames are hand crafted from fence boards, picking ladders and barn siding to give an authentic enhancement of his paintings of old vehicles and local bird life.